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stol skladany poziomo 1s

  stol skladany poziomo 2s
  Folded 3 tables
  stol skladany poziomo 3s

Table - powder coated



Table - chrome/zinc plated


 Display tables allows for presentation of small and unwieldy goods. The construction ensures that the display table is very stable and highly resistant to damages. The bottomreinforcedwith flat irons allows for exposition of goodswith various sizes andweights. There is possibility of adjust the height of the bottom on two different levels at the same time. Divider and bottom split into two separate parts allow the exposure of different types of assortment at the same time. The construction of the table allows for easy folding and unfolding. Unused tables can be quickly folded and stacked on top of each other, so they doesn't take up excessive warehouse space.


Maximum loading: 150 kg (with equable
spreading of the goods).




Standard finish: powder coated, optionally zinc plated + lacquer or bright chrome.

Technical data: Structure made of section, side meshes and the divider made of steel wire. Bottom made of steel wire is reinforced with flat iron and it consists of two parts. The frame, legs and sides are contected together with the possibility of convenient folding and unfolding the table.


 stol skladany poziomo 4s

   stol skladany poziomo 5s


Display table 1200x800 H850/650 folded into horizontal position

powder coated 922-346-190
zinc plated + lacquer (option) 919-351-498
bright chrome, the bottom - zinc plated + lacquer (option) 919-320-623
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